Thursday, January 2, 2014

Food Entry No. 3 - Post-Holiday Salad

The Holiday season is O-V-E-R! What happened?!  -_-

Post-holiday food is always (well in our household) a good combination of guilt and thriftiness. We plan our meal on what food item we found in our ref..and also the NOW-present "HEALTHY" mindset.

The first "meal" done after the holidays (minus the reheated food) is this S-A-L-A-D!

Food Photographer. Naah! 

It's ALWAYS a battle on which among the two occasion we should limit the food menu. We 'conserved' our resources during Christmas and somewhat also in New Year. Our Holiday last year (2013) was different -- this year its BOTH. The Holidays last year was eventful. From the usual Christmas, New Year and now a Wedding! Yes my sister got married!

Synonymous with marriages is FOOD! I feel sorry for my body because I found myself munching here and there whenever, wherever and whatever. Because of this I'm am obliged to eat healthy post-Holidays.

Unlike my previous entries I won't post a step by step guide on making this because by merely looking at the picture, you'll already know what and how I did it!

Ok. Here are the ingredients if you find it helpful:
- Lettuce
- Tomoto
- Kiwi Fruit
- Christmas Ham
- Cheese


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